Difference between Hospice and Palliative care

Difference between Hospice and Palliative care

  Sometimes family members face difficult times when dealing with a serious illness. Depending on the case, the person dealing with a life-limiting illness may require special help in order to improve its quality of life. In other most serious cases, the patient...
What is Hospice Care?

What is Hospice Care?

Hospice care is a type of healthcare that is provided only to those who have been given a terminal diagnosis. This care, provided to them in a unique manner, is created to absorb or control pain and suffering, to support and dignify those terminally ill. This care...
A Guide to Culturally-Competent Nursing Care

A Guide to Culturally-Competent Nursing Care

Los Angeles is a city where many patients come from diverse cultural backgrounds. It is especially important in Los Angeles, and surrounding areas like Ventura, Orange County, San Bernardino, etc. to have culturally competent care. This is an essential part when...