The decision of finding the best hospice care for your loved one is a very determined one. Your decision will have to be based on several factors, so keeping yourself informed is important. As a provider of hospice services in Los Angeles, Beta Hospice Care has gathered a list of some of the essential tips so you can make the best choice in ensuring your loved one’s comfort, dignity, and optimal quality of life.


  1. Understand What Hospice Care Entails

Start your search knowing what you’re looking for. Step one is to know what hospice care looks like: it’s for people who are approaching their end of life, and goals are to offer them comfort, to help them live the best quality of life possible, and to help the family as well. It usually focuses on comfort care and assistance with daily living, added on to any medical care needed to treat terminal symptoms, but not with the plan to cure anything.


  1. Seek Recommendations

Do some basic research including finding out if family or friends have used hospice care before and who they recommend. Check with your doctor, family, friends or social workers to find out more about local hospice providers. Ask if they know about the quality of care and reputation of the hospices you may be considering. Here at Beta Hospice, we have a great reputation for quality care provided by the best professionals and volunteers in their fields.


  1. Research and Compare Providers

You’re going to have to do some research and legwork. Start by gathering information about local hospice providers. Here’s a start: get a written list that compares their services, philosophy of care and their credentials. Ideal credentials include experience and accreditations that commit providers to meet high standards of care.


  1. Evaluate the Range of Services


Make sure you are working with a hospice organization that provides all of these services: medical care and nursing care; family counselling and emotional support; spiritual care; medications,medical equipment and supplies. Also, make sure that it includes specific services that are important to your loved one, such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, or bereavement services (for families.)


  1. Insurance and Financial Aspects

Many private insurance plans cover hospice care, also government plans such as Medicare and Medicaid. Know what costs are covered and kind of expenses you could incur. Contact your Beta Palliative and Hospice services to learn details about your coverage and discuss financial options. Sometimes, there could be zero cost to you!


  1. Assess Staff Qualifications and Availability

One of the most important considerations is the qualifications and experience of the hospice staff. It can be vital to make sure that the hospice has trained personnel, including a physician, nurses, a social worker, volunteers, and a chaplain or clergy member. Ask about the staff-to-patient ratio so that your loved one will not be forgotten. Ideally, the staff will be available 24/7 for calls in emergencies and for routine care.


  1. Inquire About the Care Plan

To provide the best hospice care, it has to meet each patient’s individual needs. Find out how care plans for patients are developed and reviewed. The best hospice care companies will help you and your family develop a care plan, and then regularly assess it to make sure the plan supports you and your family’s needs and wishes. Here at Beta Palliative and Hospice care, we prepare a customized plan that caters to your particular scenario and needs.


  1. Meet Staff

Try to visit, if possible, and talk with the staff. An interaction with the staff can give some idea of the institution atmosphere; ask about the provider’s views on pain control and other approaches to patient comfort. At Beta Palliative and Hospice Care, we understand the difficulty and challenges that Hospice care brings. We are committed to approaching the situation with compassion.


  1. Read Reviews and Testimonials


Reviews and testimonials online can add another dimension. Individuals’ experiences can vary, but consistent themes in reviews can give you a sense of the reliability of and quality in care offered by the hospice provider.


  1. Trust Your Instincts

Finally, follow your gut. If your research doesn’t sit well or something about your visits feels ‘off’, take that as a warning: you must be comfortable and have faith in the provider. Hospice care is about comfort, so find a provider where you can feel at ease.


Making sure you get the best hospice company to care for your loved one requires learning, being thoughtful and realistic, and keeping your loved one’s needs in mind above all. Now that you are aware of these tips to narrow your search, you should be able to find the right hospice care provider for your family member. With Beta Hospice Care, you can have complete peace of mind that your loved one will receive compassionate, respectful, and holistic hospice care while they are in their final phase. We are proud to offer hospice services to families in Los Angeles and the rest of California. We serve cities like San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange County and Ventura.