Our Team

The Beta Hospice team includes an interdisciplinary team of medical professionals and a well-trained group of experts that take care of the needs of our patients.

Close and effective teamwork by all involved helps chart a complete care plan that is tailored to their specific needs.

Every member of Beta Hospice care team performs a specific, vital task to meet the medical, physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients and their family members.

Depending on the conditions and requirements of each patient, the team may involve a clinician or a physician, a trained nurse, a personal carer or an aide, a volunteer, mental health and/or a spiritual counselor, and a social worker.

A typical hospice team may compromise of the following professionals.


Our hospice team is led by a professional physician who develops a comprehensive care plan for the patient. He or she keeps constant touch with the other members of the team, coordinates their activities, and ensures the patient receives the required care. Our physicians are also in constant touch with a patient’s caretaker or family member to stay up to date with their overall progress.

While prescribing any medication or treatment, the physician also consults the primary care doctor of the patient to ensure everyone is kept in the loop. Our practice shows patients feel more comfortable and at ease when they see their preferred physician or family doctor is also involved.

All the physicians at Beta Hospice are experienced professionals who have undergone intense training and have hands-on experience in the field. Rest assured, with one of them overseeing the care of your loved one, he or she will be in absolute professional and safe hands.

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Our professional team of trained nurses plays an indispensable role in our program. After the physician has studied the condition of the patient and has assigned a specific care plan, our nurses do most of the work to ensure the care goes according to the physician’s specifications. They deal with the patients and their families on a more frequent or regular basis, conducting most of the home visits involved in the care plan. As trained professionals and caregivers, they also help guide families to better care for their loved ones during the program.

During the visits, the nurses monitor and note down the changes in the overall condition of the patient, including the symptoms and levels of pain. They then share the data with our physicians to make sure the patient receives the right treatment every day.

Our nurses are also very compassionate and good listeners, which enables them to comfort the families when the condition of the patient deteriorates. When a nurse from Beta Hospice is on the job, you can have peace of mind knowing that your loved one is in good hands.

Hospice Home Aide

Our caring hospice home aides are certified, professional assistants that cater to the day-to-day needs of the patient. They make sure that the overall hygiene is maintained for both the patient and their immediate surroundings. They assist in bathing, shaving, washing, and dressing while also helping the patient eat, go for short or long walks, do permitted and assigned exercises, etc.

Owing to their friendly attitude and easy approach, the home aids at Beta Hospice become the patient’s best friend in no time. They also prove to be a strong support system for the family, helping them in the overall upkeep of the house.

As professionals, our aides respect the privacy of each patient and make sure that the patients do not feel awkward or uneasy about themselves. They are also very sensitive to the predicaments of the patient and their families and make sure that they cause no unnecessary uneasiness or discomfort.

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The large volunteer database and Beta Hospice allow us to provide more holistic care and support to patients and their families. As an important and integral part of hospice care, our trained volunteers undertake a series of tasks to help in the process. They may just spend some time with the patient, talking to them, sharing jokes, or playing games, or may also assist in shopping for groceries, helping with the mail, etc.

As an inclusive organization, we strive to have volunteers from different nationalities and cultural or religious groups to make sure our patients receive the best care possible with someone who understands them and can sympathize with them better.

Our volunteers also prove to be a huge respite for families and caretakers, who may take a few moments off to rest or run errands, knowing that their loved one is being looked after or entertained.

Counselors and Bereavement Specialists

Opting for hospice can be hard, both for the patient and their loved ones. It is very difficult to come to terms with inevitable death and the whole eperience can be overwhelming.

To help patients and their families cope, Beta Hopsice ensures to include the services of counselors and bereavement specialsts.

Professionals from their respected fields are enlisted to provide the necessary support as and when required. Psychologists and spiritual conselors provide the necessary emotional and religious support while bereavement specialsts help the families and the loved ones of the patient deal with the pain of losing their loved one.

However, while counselors provide an important service, inlcuding them will depend on the choices and requirments of patients and their families.

Besides the above professionals, Beta Hospice also has an amaizing team of social workers and office staff who are always there to answers you call and provide you with necessary services to ensure you or your loved one receive the best care and attention possible.

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Looking for hospice services in Los Angeles, Ventura, San Bernardino or Orange County?

Established in 2020, Beta Hospice is a community-based hospice agency that coordinates care for patients and their families. We work with several healthcare facilities and professionals to provide the best possible treatment to people living with a life-limiting illness.


1525 N D Street, Suite 10
San Bernardino, California 92405
Hours: Mon-Fri – 10am-5pm

Available 24/7 – Hablamos Español